
Brandspeak has compiled this market research glossary to provide definitions for some of the most commonly used research terms – we hope you find it useful. If you feel that key words or phrases are missing or in any way incomplete, please let us know so that we can keep evolving these pages.
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There are currently 3 names in this directory beginning with the letter G.
Gamification Market Research
Gamification refers to the process of making online research surveys more engaging by making them more ‘game-like’. This is in response to the rapid growth of online surveys over recent years combined with a decrease in completion rates and the overall quality of data received. Examples of gamification include the use of visual and interactive tools such as sliders and ‘drag and drops’ and requiring respondents to answer questions against the clock.

Generation X
Generation X refers to the generation born between the early 1960’s and the early 1980’s. This attitudes and beliefs of this generation were heavily influenced by the post-War period and by some of the high profile events, figures and movements of that time including Vietnam, Nixon, Thatcher, hippies, Anti-Nuclear, globalisation and space exploration. According to commentators, this resulted in a generation which was more self-aware, more idealistic and more socially and politically inclined. Generation X was followed by Generation Y – or the Millennial Generation

Generation Y
Generation Y is the generation that immediately followed Generation X. The dates for this Generation are generally agreed to be between the early 1980s and ending in the early 2000s. Generation Y’ers are viewed as being more liberal that their X predecessors with regard to attitudes concerning (for example) sex and drugs. Generation Y’s are also more technology-savvy. Generation Y’s were hit hard by the Great Recession of 2007, the full effects of which have yet to be understood.

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