
Brandspeak has compiled this market research glossary to provide definitions for some of the most commonly used research terms – we hope you find it useful. If you feel that key words or phrases are missing or in any way incomplete, please let us know so that we can keep evolving these pages.
Glossary Brand Speak Market Research
Glossary Brand Speak Market Research
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There are currently 6 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
Refers to the placing of data results within tables for the purpose of analysis.

Telephone Interview
Refers to a market research interview conducted over the phone. Interviews are usually undertaken by a central phone unit that will be running several phone surveys simultaneously.

Text Analytics
Within the context of market research, text analytics refers to the examining of unstructured text written by or about customers in order to identify sentiment, issues and opportunities that may not be picked up by other forms of monitoring or research. Text analytics is typically performed by analytics software that can analyse vast amounts of text using text mining and natural language processing algorithms.

A triad is a group discussion involving 3 respondents.

TURF stands for "Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency". This form of statistical analysis is used for estimating media or market potential and for devising optimal communication and placement strategies. It is particularly helpful in helping to maximise the impact of limited budgets. TURF analysis identifies the number of users reached by a communication, and how often they are reached.

Television Rating (TVR) = (reach * frequency) One TVR = 1% of a specified television audience or universe seeing an advert at least once.

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