
Brandspeak has compiled this market research glossary to provide definitions for some of the most commonly used research terms – we hope you find it useful. If you feel that key words or phrases are missing or in any way incomplete, please let us know so that we can keep evolving these pages.
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Glossary Brand Speak Market Research
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There are currently 4 names in this directory beginning with the letter Q.
QR Market Research Surveys
The term QR Market Research or Quick Response Market Research refers to the method of providing consumers with a QR code that they use to access a survey. QR codes are digital squares that contain a matrix barcode that can be read by QR barcode readers and camera phones. Once scanned, they open up a survey in the phone’s browser.

Qualitative Market Research
Qualitative research involves the non-numerical exploration of a subject area for the purposes of uncovering insights relating to consumers’ perceptions, feelings, thoughts and opinions. Qualitative research is most often undertaken face-to-face via focus groups and depth interviews, although it can be undertaken online via groups, bulletin boards and market research online communities (MROCs). It involves the use of unstructured discussion guides that are responsive to discussion flow and may be amended throughout the project. The interpretative input of the researcher is key to turning qualitative findings in to meaningful insight. For more on Brandspeak’s qualitative research expertise please contact or call +44 (0)203 858 0015

Quantitative Market Research
Quantitative research is a catch-all term used to describe a wide variety of research approaches that focus on the incidence and statistical relationship of variables that may reflect consumer perceptions, needs, and behaviours. Quantitative research is characterised by the use of structured questionnaires and set questions with limited responsiveness to context. The research is most often undertaken online, but may also be face-to-face, via phone or kiosk. Sample sizes tend to be large and the outputs are subject to statistical analysis. For more on Brandspeak’s quantitative research expertise please contact or call +44 (0)203 858 0015

Quota Sampling Research
Quota sampling reflects the gathering of representative data from a group. As opposed to random sampling, it requires that representative individuals are chosen out of a specific subgroup. Quota sampling ensures that the sample group is representative of the population that is the subject of the research.

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