
Brandspeak has compiled this market research glossary to provide definitions for some of the most commonly used research terms – we hope you find it useful. If you feel that key words or phrases are missing or in any way incomplete, please let us know so that we can keep evolving these pages.
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There are currently 2 names in this directory beginning with the letter N.
Neuromarketing Research
As much as 95% of human reaction and behaviour is driven by factors outside our conscious awareness. This includes the way we choose the products and services we buy. Therefore, to truly understand consumers’ brand behaviour it is necessary for marketers to understand consumers’ non-conscious responses to brand stimuli, including advertising, websites, new products and packaging. . The term neuromarketing applies to the use of neuroscience techniques to reveal the brain’s non-conscious reaction to marketing stimuli. Technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging measure activity in different areas of the brain, whilst sensors are able to detect changes in physiology, including breathing, heart rate and galvanic skin response. Eye tracking monitors focal attention whilst facial coding can translate facial expression in to a range of human emotions.

New Product Development Research
This type of market research project is designed to support the development of new products and services. The term is a broad one that encompasses both qualitative and quantitative research approaches that may be used to identify and evaluate new commercial opportunities, assess early-stage propositions or enable respondents to interact with more developed ideas, prototypes and foodstuffs. Please call us for more information on +44 (0)203 858 0015

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